Hilton Milwaukee Center
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
March 18-19, 2003


LSC Members:
Chairman Ken Cullis
Vice Chair Tom Gorenflo (CORA)
Steve Hewett (WDNR)
Bill Mattes for Neil Kmiecik (GLIFWC)
Steve Scott (MDNR)
Jack Wingate (MnDNR),

Good news: Lake trout in Michigan are at historic abundance. Lake trout growth rates are decreasing lakewide.

Bad news: Preyfish populations have been decreasing in the 1990s and are now approaching the lows of the 1980s.

New plans: The Lake Superior Technical Committee is documenting its assessment protocols.

1. Fish Community Objectives

The LSC thanked Bill Horns (WDNR) for his work revising the Lake Superior Committee's fish community objectives, which are now published (GLFC Special Publication 03-1).

2. Research/Management Proposals for Lake Superior

The LSC will advise the Restoration Act Review Panel of its priorities among the proposals under consideration. It will also review Coordination Activities Program preproposals for possible sponsorship by the committee.

3. Aquatic Committee of the Lake Superior Binational Program

Susan Greenwood (OMNR) and Henry Quinlan (USFWS) briefed the LSC on activities of the Lake Superior Binational Program's Aquatic Committee. There was discussion re the relationship of the LSC and its Technical Committee with the Aquatic Committee and the Binational Program. The Lake Superior Technical Committee, which serves on the Aquatic Committee, will advise the LSC if conflicts develop between Binational Program directives and those of the LSC.

Dale Burkett (GLFC) will work with Ken Cullis (OMNR) to review expenditures under the Canada-Ontario Agreement from the perspective of Restoration Act recommendations. Both the Restoration Act and the Canada-Ontario Agreement encourage partnerships and leverage in accomplishing their similar objectives.

4. Lake Herring Status Report

The LSC supported its Technical Committee's plans to update the lake herring status report.

5. Canadian National Marine Conservation Area

Ken Cullis (OMNR) provided an update on the Canadian National Marine Conservation
Area in Lake Superior. Parks Canada has the lead and is negotiating an agreement in principle with Ontario. New legislation passed in the summer 2002 will enable formation of the NMCA, where approximately one-third of Ontario waters of Lake Superior will be transferred from provincial to federal jurisdiction.

6. Officers

Tom Gorenflo (CORA) will chair the LSC through the March 2005 meting, and Ken Cullis will serve as Vice Chair.